Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Beef steak with greens and goats cheese | Five minutes to make!

This tasted absolutely divine and surprisingly took me only five minutes to make! (depending on how you like your steak) I cooked this rare. 

What you will need:
  1. Piece of frying beef or steak (can be any cut you like fillet, sirloin etc....) as a student this was my budget
  2. Rocket salad leaves 
  3. Salt and pepper for seasoning 
  4. Goats cheese 
  5. 1X chopped tomato 
  6. Fresh spinach 
  7. Oil 

Make this in five minutes by following these easy steps :)

Fry steak in hot pan with oil, season with salt and pepper.. this varies in time depending on how you take your steak. I normally just sear both sides and serve. 

Prepare salad bed. Mix rocket and diced tomato on plate. Once steak is ready place on top of salad bed so juices can soak through.


Wash spinach and fry in hot oily pan for a few minutes, not enough time for the spinach to shrivel, optionally season with salt and pepper. 

Place spinach next to steak etc... and sprinkle the whole dish with crumbs of goats cheese. 

Enjoy because its fuckigdfd divine. 


Tuesday, 28 October 2014

thai curry with curly kale

Make this for under a fiver... being a student is no excuse guys. 

For reasons un- be known to me recently i've caught the cooking bug and seeing as I don't have anything else to put up on here I thought why not share the things Im making on my blog. 

Im constantly trying to be healthy trying out new foods to help with weight loss, and a better generally more healthy life style (contradicted by the alcohol consumption sadly) this is tonights conquest made with real chicken (although I tend to use quorn) because its a little bit quicker. Im going to try to post some more food things on here (excuse the horrible kitchen I'm a student) all of the recipes will be bought within my student budget and won't take too much time to product because sadly... I'm a busy girl..

What you will need:
  1. Chicken breast cut into pieces 
  2. A thai curry cooking sauce / coconut milk (optional) 
  3. Curly Kale 
  4. Green beans 
  5. 1 Onion 
  6. Pepper/ chosen spices etc...
  7. 1 Lime
  8. 1 Green pepper
  9. Spinich

The final result....

Dice onions thinly and green pepper. Remove both ends from green beans and rinse under cold water.

                           Add chicken, onions and sliced green pepper to a hot frying pan.

             Add thai curry sauce and green beans to pan, stir through and leave to simmer. Continue to season throughout pan frying process. 


        Add spinach to the pan and stir through. Spinich will shrivel and fold into curry. Leave to simmer.

                      Grate lime zest and add to mixture, then squeeze lime into curry until dry. 

                       Put curly Kale in pan with bolding water and leave to boil for three to five minutes 

                    Drain and leave to sit for a few minutes. (Again so sorry for the gross kitchen) 

      Place curry on top of the kale and enjoy! 


Friday, 17 October 2014

A home time surprise | future bedroom tour

Since going back to university to finish off my first semester (second year) my mum has been LOUDLY decorating the house, we've had a crazy decorator that drank tea like a fish and sang to our dogs, and big radiator leaks but It's safe to say since coming home this weekend for a few days its all worth it and the house looks lovely. A surprise for me and entire reason for this blog post is my lovely new bed room that I didn't know would be finished and look this lovely, especially as I spent the majority of the year living away from home.

I am going to do a longer blog post showing all of the bits in the room as this isn't the best picture, Im also going to be doing a list of where everything is from etc... and price, availability. Just wanted to share it with you... as it was such a lovely surprise. Have a beautiful weekend.


Tuesday, 7 October 2014

A case of writers block

Im not sure if I have writers block, flu or exhaustion from all my uni work, but I'm really struggling to think of what I want to write about on here, if anyone has an idea of what they'd like to read about let me know! I'd be really grateful and hopefully be able to shift my frozen brain! 

New post will be up soon, fingers crossed..
